Meet the Blogger
As I was gearing up for my next blog post I realized that I have never introduced myself! Where are my manners?!
Hi! My name is Sierra. I am an organizational freak who loves to travel, read, scrapbook, dance, sing off key, and binge watch cheesy television shows.
Since I was in seventeen I knew wedding planning was my future. I received my bachelors degree in Communication Studies from San Francisco State and a certification in Meeting and Event Planning. I moved to southern California after graduation to be with me boyfriend (We are still together, 8 years strong!) while he finished getting his engineering degree at Cal Poly Pomona. My overall goal while living down south was to get more hands on wedding planning experience.
Unfortunately without the strong network of vendors, venues, and customers in Southern California I had to start over. I accepted a consulting position where I worked with school sites and districts on California mandates. It was a great way to strengthen my business skills and I learned a lot about working with clients on a larger scale. However, this was nowhere close to my dream, so after three years of working the office life and assisting on weddings on the weekends I decided it was time to make the leap. I quit the corporate world and I have never looked back!
Nowadays if I am not working or spending time with family and friends you can usually find me at Disneyland. I have had an annual pass pretty much the entire time I have been living in southern California. I am a HUGE Disney fan and try to spend at least one day a month at the “Happiest Place on Earth”. On those rare cold rainy days I love to spend my time reading books, watching movies, catching up on my DVR, scrap-booking, or knitting (I am still learning)!
Well that’s enough about me. I want to know more about you! I would love to hear from my followers so please don’t hesitate to comment below or private message me!